Chapter 6

However, my exhaustion got the best of me, so I slept through the night and didn’t even hear my alarm.

I took a quick shower and packed the only few things I brought. I was coming to New York for only a day, after all.

Alex asked me about my passport… Sounds like we are flying somewhere.

Luckily, I always bring jeans, a couple of tops, and a warm cashmere sweater. That’s what I put on in the morning: my favorite skinny jeans, a white tank top and a soft and cushy cashmere cardigan.

I figured I better go downstairs earlier for breakfast and a cup of tea. I didn’t know what to expect and what Alex had planned.

I checked out of my room and walked to the restaurant that was serving breakfast.

I saw Alex right away. He was drinking coffee and reading something on his phone.

I came up to him. “Hi. You are here already.”

Alex stood up and moved a chair for me.

“Hi, Sophia. To be honest, I haven’t left for the night. I am staying in this hotel. I just didn’t want to tell you about it so you don’t think I’ve been stalking you,” joked Alex.

“Haven’t you though?” I asked with pretend concern.

“No, I haven’t. I just enjoy being with you,” replied Alex with a big smile. What a smile. I started getting goosebumps all over me.

“Glad you are here already; a plane is waiting.”

“Where are we flying to?”

“It’s a surprise. You’ll see!”

Alex was also wearing jeans and a blue shirt. His leather jacket was hanging on a chair. His hair wasn’t as perfectly styled as usual, which made him look younger. After Portofino, as expected, I looked for some information about him online. Forty-two, one of the youngest billionaires in Russia. Until the previous year he co-owned one of the largest oil companies in Russia. He inherited the business from his father who had already retired. Alex quite luckily sold his share of the company before the prices dropped. The same year he divorced Irina Rodionova. Also, no kids.

“Are we flying to Russia?” I tried to guess.

Alex chuckled. “That’s a wonderful idea, Sophia! I will definitely take you there! But not this time. Although, if you really want to, I can change our itinerary!” he quipped.

“Some other time! I’ve already been to Moscow and St. Petersburg. My mom is from Moscow.”  I finished my tea and got up from the table.

“Let’s go.” Alex put his arm around my shoulders. “I like that you are not quite American, but not quite Russian either. It makes you somehow balanced and full of harmony.”

“Balanced? Is that a compliment?” I couldn’t help laughing.

We got in a car and surprisingly quickly made it to Teterboro airport. Went through all the necessary checks and got onboard. I had never seen such luxury before. The interior of the jet seemed more like a living room of a pricey yacht or a small but very stylish apartment. The interior was modern but soft, with everything made of polished wood and light brown leather. The cabin included several large couches, a round table with armchairs, with several free-standing chairs, a large plasma TV on the wall, and a soft fluffy rug on the floor. The cabin smelled like coffee and expensive leather.

A pretty flight attendant greeted us.

“Is this your jet?” I asked.

“Yes, a new one! I only received it six months ago after they had done the interior in Italy.”

“Impressive! Really stylish!” I said and sat down on the couch.

“I’m glad you like it,” said Alex, coming up to me and giving me a tender hug. “Did you sleep well?”

“Honestly, really well. I almost overslept.”

“Quite the opposite for me. I was barely able to fall asleep. I couldn’t get you out of my mind all night, Sophia!” he confessed joyfully.

I blushed, as usual. He still had that ability to make me feel shy, but it soon got replaced by a warm wave of happiness and euphoria caused by everything that transpired.

I smiled at him and moved over to one of the armchairs. I took off my flats and drew my legs up.

Alex sat down in front of me on the big couch. The flight attendant came to take our drink orders and let us know we were taking off twenty minutes later.

“Have you decided on the gallery space?” asked Alex.

“I am more inclined to choose Manhattan, but there are many galleries in Brooklyn too. The space in Manhattan has more natural and electric light and there are also back offices. A lot of pros, except the rent.”

“I was just thinking that I am free of all obligations now. My only project in New York is building that high-rise. If you want to become partners, I promise not to intervene with your creative process, but will help with financing.”

“I don’t know. I haven’t been looking for partners. But I will give it a thought. You’d be an enticing partner,” I replied, smiling.

“It would be beneficial for me, too. I also have to work on my business image in New York. I am new here, and being a patron of the arts helps one join the community. Believe me, it’s mutually beneficial. If we start collaborating, you will be able to support more artists, discover more new names, and make riskier choices.”

While we were talking, the jet started taxiing.

“Are you going to tell me where we are headed?’

“Nope. You’ll see. I love planning surprises,” cheerfully protested Alex.

The jet began takeoff acceleration. I pressed my back against the chair. Despite flying a lot, I always get nervous during takeoff.

When planes gain altitude, I read or watch something to distract myself. If there is no crazy turbulence, I feel quite all right during flights.

Alex noticed my nervousness. “Are you scared to fly?” he asked jokingly.

“No, just not enjoying takeoff,” I said quietly.

“Give me your hand.”

I held my hand out, and Alex pulled me towards his couch.

“Don’t be scared, Sophia; everything will be fine. I spoke to the pilot. The flight is going to be calm and steady. The weather is good everywhere, and it will be sunny at our destination.”

I came closer to Alex. He tenderly put his arm around my shoulders and started gently rubbing my hand. I completely forgot about takeoff and being on the plane. The proximity of this man completely besotted me. I thought to myself that in his arms I could probably feel great on a trip to space in a rocket.

The jet finally gained altitude, and the flight attendant walked in. She brought us coffee, champagne with orange juice, and asked if we wanted breakfast. We said no since we had both eaten at the hotel. Alex thanked her and promised to call her if we needed something.

We were just cuddling on the couch. “Would you like to watch a movie? Listen to music?”

“Movie would be nice,” I said and turned to Alex. Our eyes met, and my heart started gaining speed just like our plane had recently done for takeoff. Alex’s stare told me he was feeling the same.

He leaned in and began to kiss me. His hands were stroking my back, he pressed his body against mine. I couldn’t move away, and I didn’t want to. I wanted to belong to this man.

“Sophia, you put a spell on me. I have never fantasized about any woman like I’ve been about you all these months. You are so beautiful and refined. You are incredible, do you know that?”

“Alex, you are so special, too. I’ve also been thinking about you all these months. I…”

Alex didn’t let me finish, by pressing his finger to my lips. He glanced at me.

“Should we go?”

“We should,” I replied. I wasn’t sure why he was asking that. We were on the plane… But I knew what he meant.

Alex got off the couch and led me to a small door at the other end of the cabin. Behind it I discovered a tiny but equally stylish bedroom. A big bed occupied the whole space.

“Wow, you bought this jet to seduce girls up in the air. Nice one,” I said joyfully, trying to hide my nervousness.

“No, I’ve been using it on my own. I’ve only got it recently, so you are the first guest here.”

We were standing right by the bed, with Alex’s arm around my waist.

“Sophia, if it’s too early for you, if you are not…”

Now I pressed my finger to his lips, put my arm around his neck, and pulled him towards me. I was ready. I wanted to be with Alex like I had never wanted to be with anyone.

Alex kissed me again, then gently placed me on the soft bed and lay down next to me.

“Come here, my girl,” he said, pulling me towards him. We covered each other with kisses, his hands gently rubbed my body. Then he took my shirt off, and I got all covered in goosebumps from the arousal. I pressed myself against him even stronger, and inhaled the scent of his manly cologne. Just like when we were driving to Portofino in a small Renault filled with the same fragrance. Alex took off his shirt and his jeans. I glanced at him. His body was so beautiful and athletic. He was probably spending a lot of time at the gym. Then he pulled my jeans off too…

“Sophia, you are amazing. I wanted to make love to you even back then, when we were on our way to Portofino.”

“Then do it, Alex!” I exclaimed in a voice raspy from excitement and nerves.

Alex took off my panties, so nothing stood between us anymore. I closed my eyes in anticipation.

“Do it,” I repeated quietly.

Alex lay down next to me, pulled me closer and started kissing me. We were both so taken over by passion; our bodies were shaking, and we wanted to possess each other as soon as possible. Our bodies, and we became one… We fully succumbed to our feelings and instincts.

I had never felt anything that strong and emotional before. Probably that’s what real love is; when you jump in head first, and that’s the only way to be.

Then we spent a lot of time holding each other in bed. Alex nestled his nose in my hair and was breathing quietly. I even thought for a moment that he had fallen asleep, but he suddenly slipped his jeans on and told me he’d be right back.

He reappeared just a few minutes later.

“Sadly, there is no flower shop here,” said Alex, handing me a red rose and a bottle of champagne. “I grabbed this flower from the flight attendant; she was going to use it for serving breakfast.”

Alex opened a small cabinet by the bed and got two glasses out.

“It really is the plane for seducing girls. Everything is taken care of,” I quipped.

“Neat, right?” smiled Alex. “This plane is only for seducing Sophia. Only for you.” Alex handed me a champagne flute.

“I’d love to eat something, to be honest,” I confessed.

Alex picked up the phone on the wall and ordered two sandwiches.

“Get dressed, my love,” he said cheerfully.

We put our clothes back on and sat down at the round table. The flight attendant brought us quite a pretty spread: delicious roast beef, pickles, and mustard sandwiches. After a while the pilot announced that we were about to start descending.

I had a feeling we were going to land at Saint Martin, Caribbean island, and that our final destination was St. Barts…